CMRE Registration Form - Formulaire d'inscription ECRSF

Note: When tallying a candidate’s attempts at the CMRE, all the previous attempts in all jurisdictions must be counted. If it is discovered that all previous CMRE attempts are not disclosed on the CMRE Registration Form, the candidate will not be allowed to attempt the exam again. Not disclosing all previous attempts could impact the candidate’s registration, or application for registration, in the jurisdiction where they intend to practise.
Requests for special exam accommodation must be received by the exam registration deadline and must be accompanied by supporting documentation. Contact to obtain the form. Are you requesting special assistance or accommodation on the day of the exam?
Please indicate by what means you are eligible to write the CMRE:
This is an ONLINE EXAM. Candidates can complete the exam from home/other private location with live remote proctoring or in a designated test centre. Please identify your choice below and note that changes are not possible. Note that the live remote proctoring option requires the candidate to have a reliable and stable Internet connection, as well as being responsible for doing system checks prior to the exam. Note that test centres may have specific rules/restrictions that CMRE candidates must adhere to.
Time zone you will be in for remote proctoring. Fuseau horaire pour la journée de l'examen.
CMRE Fee / Frais d'examen $945
I consent to have my results sent to the midwifery regulatory authority in the following jurisdiction(s) / Je consens à ce que mes résultats soient envoyés à l'organisme de réglementation de la profession de sage-femme dans la (les) jurisdiction(s) suivante(s)
Prior to beginning the exam, candidates must sign a statement of understanding that addresses the confidential nature of the CMRE, exam invigilation, cheating, and the potential impact of testing irregularities. This information is also available on the Registration Exam page of the CMRC website. Unless an accommodation has been approved, candidates are allowed to have only water in a clear container at the exam. No other food or beverages are permitted. Avant de commencer l'examen en ligne, les candidats doivent signer une déclaration/énoncée de compréhension. Cette déclaration traite la nature confidentielle de l'examen, la surveillance de l'examen, la tricherie et les irrégularités provées our présumées. Ces renseignements sont également disponibles sur la page de l’examen d’inscription du site Web du CCOSF. Sauf s'il y a une adaptation approvée, les candidats peuvent consommé seulement de l'eau dans une bouteille d'eau transparente à l'examen. Aucun autre aliment ou boisson n'est permis.